All filters require cleaning and changing. Overtime, they become clogged and full of dirt, residue and waste. If you don’t change the filter, your system bogs down and requires an increase in resources to operate at a normal capacity. This results in decrease output and efficiency.
Personal filters are no different.
We all start with a clean filter, then life happens: hurts, frustrations, abuse, misunderstanding, distrust, hate … the list goes on.
Here are five warnings signs that your filters need a change:
- You assume you know what people are thinking
- You start a sentence with “I will never…”
- You offer more complaints than thanks
- You’re always looking to place blame
- You’re quick to judge someone you don’t know or just met
The important thing is to react quickly when your filters require a cleaning or change. If you miss the warning signs, your ability to see reality become seriously hindered, if not impossible.
Do yourself a favor, start today by changing one filter and leave a comment below on how your perspective changed. Here are some filters to choose from:
- job
- finances
- spouse
- child
- boss
- friend
- yourself
It’s time to change the filters.