Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit distant form the corporate spiritual climate in our city and church. I’m not talking about feeling disconnected to friends or the vision, but the passion and drive that pushes you from observation to activation. That’s been missing. It’s lack has been bugging me for quite some time…until today.
This morning at church, our pastor,Dale Evrist, gave a prophetic word that nailed me to the core. He said:
There is a deception of being overwhelmed that’s purpose is to isolate you from what God is doing in and around. It’s a lie and we can’t give Satan room with it.
Ever have one of those moments where you aren’t quite sure how to describe what you’re feeling but someone says something and it wraps it up perfectly? Yeah, when he said that today, I was convicted. That was me. Key phrase, WAS.
Interestingly, one of the definitions that uses to define “overwhelmed” is:
To defeat completely and decisively:
DEFEAT! Who knew that when I was talking about being overwhelmed, I was actually declaring that I’ve been defeated. There’s power in my words and I too often declare that I’m “overwhelmed.” Now it’s clear to me why this is a deception. Jesus promises to give us everything we need. In fact, His grace is sufficient for today.
But this doesn’t stop with my spiritual pursuit. I find that I used my business, our transition, Britt’Knee’s story and arrival (or lack thereof), social calendar…just about everything to isolate me from participating in personal and corporate worship. Those things that bring me closer to Jesus and closer to people who will help me along my journey. What a crock Satan has had on me.
Note that the definition said decisively. Or better defined, calculated and on purpose. These things aren’t just flippant distractions. They are calculated and deliberate based on what Satan knows will distract me. You see, I know me best and I can tell you that all of my excuses are things that i care deeply about, but my perspective on them has been focused too much on how they affect me, rather than being focused on how those things play into God’s bigger plan and strategy.
Today, I’ve had to repent of my frequent verbal declarations of defeat. I am no longer defeated, I win. Just read the back of the Book.