The results of the earthquake in haiti are staggering. Thousands of people are dead. Millions of people are homeless. For those who were fortunate enough to survive the destruction of their homes, they’ve flocked to large fields setting up slum-like living areas made of sticks and sheets. Again, sticks and sheets.

While hope is on the rise, so is fear. The people in Haiti HATE the rain.
Rainy season starts on March 1, 2010.
Sticks and sheets.
Here’s how you can help.
Yesterday, Shaun King launched a website called A Home in Haiti. It’s a rallying place for people to buy tents and give money. Go there!
Also yesterday, Coleman tents heard what was happening and offered to sell this waterproof, eight person tent…
…for $83 each; approximately 60% off of retail.
Ready to help?
We need to raise $33,000 to buy all of these tents. To-date, they’ve raised $4000.
The homeless in Haiti need us and we have the power to help. It doesn’t matter if it’s $10 or $33,000. Please consider doing something today!