Remember when you went on a roller coaster for the first time? You stood in a line full of people who couldn't wait to get on. Excitement dominated the air and the expectation of thrill was just …
It’s okay. I know it’s not perfect.
Monday's are great aren't they. It's the beginning of a new week where we get a fresh start to embrace the new and betters that we set out for ourselves. Maybe it's the goal to blog every …
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The Chowning’s are moving… Charlotte, NC. Over the past 18 months, I have been working closely with a very talented group of people to dream, craft, strategize and launch Halogen TV. It's been a lot of fun, a huge …
What if you weren’t afraid?
I started my first Sunday of 2010 at Cross Point church here in Nashville. The title of the teaching was "My Prayer for You" by pastor Pete Wilson. The title didn't immediately hit me, so as he …
Three Quick Steps to Eliminating To-do List Anxiety
Nothing can drain your enthusiasm faster than to start your workday overwhelmed by the mountain of to-do's that you have mentally logged. Because the majority of today's work is done in our minds, we …
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My response to Seth Godin’s blog “Hammer Time”
Recently, Seth Godin wrote the following post: So, if it's true that to a person with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, the really useful question is, "what sort of hammer do you …
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