Laughing is good medicine. Leave it up to a 1-year old to show us how it's done. Listen to this and see if you don't find yourself laughing too. It's contagious. Savannah Laughing If that …
Chipotle comes to West End & Green Hills
I finally heard from my contact at Chipotle. Not only is Nashville getting a Chipotle on West End in November, but another is opening in Green Hills (Hill Center maybe?) in December. Two locations in …
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How to do it all
My earlier post, Survey: How do you do it all? has stirred quite a bit of conversation around the topic of getting it all done while living in excellence. It was my hope that people would offer their …
Expectations can hurt or help, you decide
"You can't expect more from someone than they are willing to give to you." —Marc Estes That statement changed my paradigm forever. Frustrated with someone? Why? Have they ever given you permission …
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Choosing the right real estate agent
Is the purpose of a real estate agent to market your house, represent you or find a buyer? All three, right? If I was a real estate agent and someone contacted me with interest to list, I would …
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Survey: How do you do it all?
Riddle me this... I'm a husband, new dad, small business owner, a christian who earnestly desires to live a fully devoted life, and thanks to my new Wii and Wii Fit I got for Father's day, …