<rant> Apparently, it's not well known what the proper etiquette is for leaving a job. So, here's some advice on how not to leave your job: 1. Don't quit via text message...or by email. …
Here’s to a new season
Yesterday, I spent the afternoon on a 500 acre farm, deep in the heart of Franklin, TN. These cabins are over 140 years old and are frozen in time, only slightly updated with electricity, but no …
What are you choosing?
I admit, I watch the Walking Dead. It’s a guilty pleasure that I can’t quite explain, but tonight, I heard something that made me stop, rewind and write it down word for word. When faced with doing …
Do One Thing
You've been thinking about it too much. You've been talking about it too much. You've been dreaming about it too long. You've been hoping that someone will take notice for too long. You've …
31 Things I’ve Learned in 31 Days of Writing
Just over a month ago, I challenged myself to write in this space for 31 days straight. This is my 31st post. I've learned a lot during this challenge, and I thought it would be fun to provide a …
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How to Answer the Question: Should I Quit?
It was 2006 and I was working at RELEVANT Media Group as the sales and marketing director. I loved my job. Having started at the company in January 2002, I had the privilege of being able to help get …
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