So, they say that the first step to overcoming your addictions is to admit your problem and seek help. So here I go... "My name is Kyle Chowning, and I have a problem with compofectionism." When …
My political stance (apparently)
I took a test, thanks to a link from my buddy Shawn Stewart, about my political positioning. Let's just say, I agree with what my results are, but I was shocked at who I lined up with. Here are my …
Obama’s VP announcement … leaked?
Given that I do marketing for a living, I've been interested and at times, fascinated at Obama's ability to use the wide range of marketing tools to his benefit for his Presidential campaign. Of …
My Personal Mantra
I've been changed by a story about a man; at least that's what people think he was. His work, his words...everything he did, made those around him stand back in wonder. I watched him interact with …
Shouldn’t discovering JOY be fun?
I find that my criticism is a persistent little pest. It crept up, without hesitation, too many times today. It's apparent to me that my pride isn't just going to go away, I'm going to have to work …
Like a child
Once I found out that I was going to be a dad, it seemed that parents couldn't resist the urge to tell me how I would draw spiritual principles from watching my child grow up. I have to admit, I …