We have a house full of Invisible Children Roadies : Four American's and two Ugandans. Yesterday, Grace, one of the Ugandans, was speaking in front a crowd of rowdy high schoolers. Gracefully, she …
Insecurity is my number one deterrent from achieving my potential. Therefore, I fear my potential frequently. What do you fear? …
Eight Things I Learned at Social Fresh Charlotte
Today, I joined a couple hundred of my new closest socmed Charlotte friends for an all day conference called Social Fresh. Established and ran by former Charlottean, Jason Keath, this six-session …
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Social Fresh – Charlotte
After being a Charlotean for a whole month, tomorrow I'm headed to the Social Fresh conference to jump in, with both feet, to the local social media community. The conference was founded and lead by …
In limbo…
And no, this isn't about the movie Inception—although it could be if this next post is really about a dream. It's official. I'm a Charlottean. This past Saturday, I arrived in the Queen City …
Why do you write?
Inspired by a recent post from one of my unintentional mentors, Michael Hyatt, I thought I'd write something personal and offer a peek into why I write in this space. Most papers I wrote in school …