All across the world, poverty ceases the ability for people to function in a fair and equable manner. They're often forced to live in conditions that we would think are inconceivable by today's …
Unintentional Mentors
Over the past few months I have become more deliberate in how I utilize social networking because I began to realize that there was something more to it than gaining "friends" and "followers." If …
God Grew Tired of Us
One of my favorite things about the TV is it's ability to tell stories. If you know me at all, you know that movies based on a true story are something that have always gravitated to. That's why …
Help me get over Compofectionism
So, they say that the first step to overcoming your addictions is to admit your problem and seek help. So here I go... "My name is Kyle Chowning, and I have a problem with compofectionism." When …
My political stance (apparently)
I took a test, thanks to a link from my buddy Shawn Stewart, about my political positioning. Let's just say, I agree with what my results are, but I was shocked at who I lined up with. Here are my …
Obama’s VP announcement … leaked?
Given that I do marketing for a living, I've been interested and at times, fascinated at Obama's ability to use the wide range of marketing tools to his benefit for his Presidential campaign. Of …